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Welcome to Rabbi Light's Sunday Morning Shiurim!

eBay and Websites on Shabbos - Part 2 of “Shabbos in the 21st Century” (7/21/2024)



Ordering Deliveries to Arrive on Shabbos (7/7/2024)



Receiving Packages on Shabbos - Practical Applications(6/30/2024)



Receiving Packages on Shabbos - General Concepts (6/23/2024)



Puzzles on Shabbos (6/16/2024)



What Kind of Pain Allows You to Break Shabbos (6/9/2024)



בענין מקח וממכר : Halacha in the 21st Century (6/2/2024)



Exploring If & When Feelings of Self-Consciousness Can Change Halacha (5/27/2024)



Davening to Tzadikim (5/26/2024)



Performing A "Small Sin" In Order To Prevent Others From A Greater Sin (5/19/2024)



Refuah on Shabbos(5/12/2024)



Does Medicine have to be Kosher? (4/18/2024)



Modern Day Blood Libels & the Dawn of Geula (4/14/2024)



Making Early Shabbos (2/18/2024)



Complex, Yet Common Cases of Candle Lighting - Part 2 (2/11/2024)



Complex, Yet Common Cases of Candle Lighting - Part 1 (2/4/2024)



Introduction to the 13 Principles of Faith (1/14/2024)



Nation at War: Halachos & Hashkafos of מלחמה - Part 2: Revenge vs Survival (11/26/2023)



Nation at War: Halachos & Hashkafos of מלחמה - Part 1: Ancient Warfare (11/19/2023)



Tefilla During an Eis Tzara (10/15/2023)



Using a Shul for Other Events Besides Davening & Learning (08/27/2023)



The Mitzva of Building a Bais HaKnesses (08/20/2023)



Tachanun - Does it apply Today? (04/30/2023)



Shaving for Shabbos During Sefira (04/23/2023)



The Great Debate: A Deeper Look at the Discussion between Moshe & Betzalel (03/12/2023)



Can Men Dress Up as Women on Purim? (03/05/2023)



“Excuse Me, You’re in My Seat”: Origins and Guidelines of Makom Kavua (02/12/2023)



Hatzalah on Shabbos (02/03/2023)



Motion Sensors on Shabbos: Part 2 (01/15/2023)



Motion Sensors on Shabbos: Part 1 (01/01/2023)



Incentives vs Bribing: The Origins of Gift-Giving on Chanukah (12/18/2022)



Hilchos Yichud: Doctors, Therapists, Step Children, Adopted Children (12/11/2022)



Practical Applications of Hilchos Yichud: Exceptions (12/4/2022)




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 Shiur Source Sheets                                                                                                                     


To Sponsor a Sunday Morning Shiur, Please Click Here. 

An Introduction To Hilchos Yichud (11/27/2022)




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 Shiur Source Sheets                                                                                                                     


To Sponsor a Sunday Morning Shiur, Please Click Here. 

Tuition & Maaser  (11/20/2022)




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 Shiur Source Sheets                                                                                                                     


To Sponsor a Sunday Morning Shiur, Please Click Here. 

Practical Applications of Hilchos Maaser  (11/13/2022)




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 Shiur Source Sheets                                                                                                                     


To Sponsor a Sunday Morning Shiur, Please Click Here. 

Guaranteed Wealth: Try Testing Hashem - Part 3 -Hashkafic Conclusions  (11/6/2022)




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 Shiur Source Sheets                                                                                                                     


To Sponsor a Sunday Morning Shiur, Please Click Here. 

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785