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Other Source Sheets
Yom Kippur - The Meaning of Life - 09/22/2020
Rosh Hashanah: Sounds of Joy - 09/15/2020
Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech: Aging Gracefully - 09/08/2020
Parshas Ki Savo: Confessions - 09/01/2020
Parshas Ki Seitzei: Don't Judge Me - 08/25/2020
Parshas Shelach: Freeze Dance - 06/17/2020
Parshas Behar-Bechukosai: Curse of Adaptation
Parshas Emor - Victim No Longer - 05/06/2020
Parshas Achrei Mos - Kedoshim: Mussar Meditation - 04/29/2020
Parshas Tazria-Metzora - 04/22/2020
Shabbos Hagadol: Our Finest Hour - 04/02/2020
Parshas Vayikra: The Ultimate Sacrifice - 03/25/2020
Purim 5780: There's No "I" in Purim - 03/04/2020
Parshas Terumah: Trauma of Friendship - 02/26/2020
Parshas Yisro: Becoming a Stranger - 02/12/2020
Parshas Mishpatim: The Ultimate Prayer - 02/19/2020
Parshas Beshalach: I Will Sing to Hashem - 02/05/2020
Parshas Bo: - Redemption - 01/29/2020
Parshas Shemos - Breaking Free - 01/15/2020
Parshas Vayechi - 2020 Vision - 01/08/2020
Parshas Vayeishev - Man in the Arena - 12/18/2019
Parshas Vayishlach - The Danger of Compromise - 12/11/2019
Parshas Vayeitzei - Warrior - 12/04/2019
Parshas Chayei Sarah: Follow Me on Twitter - 11/20/2019
Parshas Toldos - Holy Rebel - 11/27/2019
Parshas Vayeira: Beyond What the Eye Can See - 11/13/2019
Parshas Lech Lecha: Keeping the End in Mind - 11/06/2019
Parshas Noach: The Return of the Raven - Building Faith in Humanity - 10/30/2019