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Rabbi Noach Light

We are blessed to have Rabbi Noach and Mrs. Michal Light as our beloved Rav and Rebbetzin. With their warmth, wisdom and love, they have the unique ability to connect, teach and inspire on many levels.


Rabbi Light was born and raised in Los Angeles California and received his Smicha from Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY. While in Queens, he headed the Halacha program in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and delivered a wide range of shiurim and lectures throughout the Tristate area.


As a sought after speaker and educator, he has served as Scholar-in-Residence throughout the country in shuls, schools, yeshivos, kollelim, kiruv centers, and college campus outreach programs.


The Light family moved to East Boca in the summer of 2012 when there were 14 families here as Rabbi Light became the first Rav of East Boca Kehilla. With his embracing personality, down-to-earth sense of humor and vast Torah knowledge, Rabbi Light has charted our course, articulated our mission and has been the driving force in our growth ever since.  


In addition to his many communal responsibilities, Rabbi Light also directs the Beis Medrash Halacha program at Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca and fields a variety of questions from both near and far.  


Rabbi Light is devoted to our East Boca family and cares deeply for each individual. With his wisdom and sensitivity, he serves as a role model for the entire community.




Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785